We're Back + a {GIVEAWAY}

Hello, lovely readers!
We are officially back to blogging.
We've had a great Summer so far and we are happy to be back to share some of our ideas with you.

We'd like to thank all of you for sticking with us during our break, and what better way is there to do that than with a

I picked up a few extra items during my last IKEA visit (which I am lucky enough to have within 2 minutes from where I work) so I could put together this sweet giveaway basket... and by sweet, I mean AWESOME!

Check out the goods:

Perfect for a patio picnic during the last, hot days of Summer.

(The basket is included as well.)

This is not a sponsored giveaway.  We just love cute IKEA products and wanted you to have some, too!

Would you like to WIN?

(of course!)

Just leave us a comment letting us know you are still around and would like to win.
Simple as that.

Comment entries will be accepted until midnight (MST) on Thursday, August 25th and a winner will be chosen Friday morning.  Please be sure to leave a way for us to contact you if you are the lucky winner!


And..... good luck!

- Annie + Tammy -
