{the GRASS grows GREENER still}

Last week we got to share this tutorial and free printable with the lovely readers at Mine For The Making (thanks Kara!) and now we would like to share it with you!

This free printable was created for you using part of a song called
which we learned when we were children in our church Primary class.

It's a reminder to us all that no matter how small we may think we are as individuals, we can still make a big impact and have a positive influence on everything and everyone around us.

"I'm small, I know, but wherever I go... the grass grows greener still."

You may have learned it as the "fields grow greener" instead of grass, but this is how we learned it and how it will always be in our minds.

Here is how we decided to turn this fabulous quote into a piece of framed art!

You can print your quote as large or as small as you would like.
Ours is printed on a regular-sized piece of cardstock and will fit perfectly in this 11x14 frame with an 8x10 opening.

Now it's time to add the grass!

We used a strip of moss from a "moss roll" that we found at JoAnn's last year.
The moss is a pretty, green color and makes for great grass.  Any type of green moss you find will work perfectly.

Using your hot-glue gun, glue the moss to the bottom of the frame.
We removed the glass from the frame so the moss is hot-glued right onto the mat.

Be sure to use smaller pieces of moss to fill in any thin spots so the white doesn't show through too much.  We want a nice, thick strip of grass!

Now it's time to embellish!

We made some fabric rosettes out of color-coordinating fabric strips.
There are so many awesome fabric rosette tutorials on the web right now and they are super-simple to make!

Just glue on your added bits of cuteness and it's ready to hang!

A perfect spot of SPRING to be admired all year long.


We made this version in pink, aqua, greens and purple:

As well as this version in yellow, blue, greens and orange:

If you want to print your quote the same size as ours, here's a few tips on how to get it centered and printed from your Paint program:

First, right-click on the quote image above that you want and save it to your desktop.
Then, right-click on your saved image and open it in the Paint program.

Next, you will need to setup the page so it prints just right.
Go up to the top and select FILE, then down to Page Setup and you will see this screen:

Change the Orientation to Portrait.
Remove any check-marks in the Centering section.
Change the margins to show
Left: 1  Right: 1
Top: 0.5  Bottom 0.5
Then change the Scaling to Fit To: 1 by 1 page

The gray box on the left will show you how your image will print.
This way, you will have enough space around the quote to place it directly behind the picture frame mat and have enough open space at the bottom to add the grass and embellishments.

Then hit OK to save the changes and print it out!

We hope you enjoy this free printable and have a great time making your own!

-Annie + Tammy
