{Yo-Yo Valentine}

A little while back, we were lucky enough to do a guest post on Tatertots & Jello!

We shared the following tutorial on how to make a cute hanging fabric
Yo-Yo Valentine:

First, gather your supplies:

Embroidery Hoop (4 inch hoop used here)
Red fabric
White fabric
Decorative Button
Embroidery floss

Start by placing your red fabric in the embroidery hoop, smooth out all of the bumps and creases, and tighten the screw.
Next, make your fabric yo-yo!

There are many tutorials online on how to make a fabric yo-yo. They are simple to make by hand, or you can purchase “yo-yo makers” at most craft supply or fabric/notions stores.

Heather Bailey has an easy-to-follow handmade yo-yo tutorial here.

Once the yo-yo is complete, it’s time to sew on your decorative button.

Sew the button to the yo-yo, then sew the yo-yo to the red fabric inside the hoop. You can sew it any place you like. Right above the center looks the best when turning the Button Yo-Yo into a flower.
Now it’s time to hand-stitch the stem with the green embroidery floss.

Don’t forget to stitch the leaf in a heart shape -- that’s what makes this a Yo-Yo Valentine!
Once the stitching is complete, you will want to make the edges of the embroidery hoop presentable. Wrap the red fabric hanging out of the hoop towards the back. Hot glue the fabric to the wooden hoop, from the inside, or just tape it all together. Hot gluing it will make it hang closer to the wall, but taping it works fine if you plan on setting it on a shelf to display.

That’s all there is to it!

This is such a quick and easy craft and adds the perfect *pop* of color to any Valentine’s Day display.

Don’t want to make your own?
We've got you covered.
Visit our PeppermintPlum Etsy shop to purchase one of ours, already made and ready to ship!


 - Tammy + Annie -

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